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Confined In My Skin

Raped and blamed, I felt ashamed and powerless. I began isolating from the outside world.  Disconnected, I was no longer at home in my own body. Being touched by anyone generated both stress and confusion.


Years have passed, and the incidents are still hard to talk about. The woman I once was is no longer present. She has been replaced by someone I am still trying to get to know, to understand, to accept. She holds herself apart, yet longs for the touch of another.


My photographs document my everyday life and act as starting points for exploring uncomfortable memories. By inviting the viewer into my personal space, I give them intimate access. Through restaging and reframing, I am able to highlight instances that would otherwise go unnoticed. In many of my images, events have yet to occur, or have just ended. By focusing on the in-between moments, I create suspense while deferring any clear narrative closure. My images are disconcertingly beautiful, while simultaneously suggesting the possibility of a cold and latent violence.

To view an online version of the self published book "Confined In My Skin" click link below.

Confined In My Skin Book Link
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